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I have tried to find this out but not had

much luck in finding the answer. So…when our stake ends - what happens? Does everything including all shares get sent to your wallet?

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Hextacy. Don’t DM me.-Giedroyc Автор вопроса

When you 'end-stake' you mint your HEX (principal + interest): this is credited to the address from which you staked. The 'shares' - the T-shares - cease to exist when you end-stake.

You myst end it ofcourse first.

Hextacy. Don’t DM me.-Giedroyc Автор вопроса

How do you get to keep the t-shares?

hex.wiki Once the Stake is complete, there are 2 options Option 1 is to “End Stake” at go.hex.win to end your stake and mint back your coins (plus interest and bonuses). Option 2 is to choose “Good Accounting” which takes the expired shares out of the pool, but does not mint them yet. This option can be chosen for tax purposes if you do not want to mint your coins at the time. There is a 14 day grace period to choose either “End Stake” or “Good Accounting” once your stake ends After 14 days, you will suffer a 1% weekly penalty for every week you do not “End Stake” or select “Good Accounting” Once you mint the coins, you are free to re-stake, sell on an exchange, or hold in your wallet.

You don't keep the T-shares. 'T-shares' is just a part of the staking thing. They don't really 'exist' on their own.

you can restake after your stake ends to keep some t shares, but you will have to stake longer than your orignal stake to get them back.

you can restake after your stake ends to keep some...

To clarify: the T-shares associated with a stake cease to exist when a stake is ended. If you choose to start a new stake, you'd be 'buying' new T-shares.

Hextacy. Don’t DM me. Giedroyc
How do you get to keep the t-shares?

To clarify: the T-shares associated with a stake cease to exist when a stake is ended. If you choose to start a new stake, you'd be 'buying' new T-shares. We shouldn't be thinking of it as "keeping" any T-shares.

Hextacy. Don’t DM me.-Giedroyc Автор вопроса
D (DM = instant block)
hex.wiki Once the Stake is complete, there are 2 o...

Thanks so much for all the info 👍🏼✨ What have people on here done? Interested to know which option is most popular. I have a few set to end next year.

Hextacy. Don’t DM me.-Giedroyc Автор вопроса
You don't keep the T-shares. 'T-shares' is just a ...

So if you chose to mint it all, the t shares would be calculated and added to your stake end amount?

Hextacy. Don’t DM me. Giedroyc
So if you chose to mint it all, the t shares would...

No, shares are just shares of total daily interest. That's why they are so valuable. I recommend you start with https://hexicans.info/shares

If you have a HEX stake on Ethereum, this will be mirrored as a HEX stake on Pulsechain. The Pulsechain version will be 'the same': it will have the same number of T-shares etc.. When a stake is ended, the T-shares cease to exist. 'T-shares' is just a name for a bit of the staking contract.

Hextacy. Don’t DM me.-Giedroyc Автор вопроса
Hextacy. Don’t DM me.-Giedroyc Автор вопроса
If you have a HEX stake on Ethereum, this will be ...

All of my stakes have come from ETH. So when pulsechain forks - we get double of what we have staked? I’ve done laddered ones.

Hextacy. Don’t DM me. Giedroyc
All of my stakes have come from ETH. So when pulse...

All your Ethereum-side stakes will be mirrored ('copied') onto Pulsechain. Same start/end dates, same T-shares... everything. (Of course, we don't know what the US$-value of HEX on Pulsechain will be.)

Yes, the website is being built to access both stakes, probably with a simple toggle of which chain you want to access, and your metamask will have a network setting to add

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