209 похожих чатов

Here’s what happened with the restricted accounts. People went crazy

crying “bot bot bot” because they suck at getting drops (sorry. Been here since the early days. I don’t get every drop, but it’s MUCH better than trying to buy early on. I promise you) so VEVE responded to the community, and implemented heavier security measures. Accounts got restricted for potential foul play, and some accounts not involved got incidentally roped in while they are still figuring out how to manage this kind of action en masse..we’re talking hundreds of thousands of accounts.. Why? WE literally asked for this. If anything I’m extra bullish because of how responsive the team is to us when we moan and complain because we , uh, have to compete with 400,000 plus users going for 2500 editions of a collectible, and get butthurt when we don’t get one.

10 ответов

15 просмотров

I agree that the competition for limited amounts of editions makes it difficult for everyone to get drops. 👌

Really ?

Have you watched veve bot gang on YouTube? What do you think?

Same bs always wE hAvE 400k UsErS You are slow get rekt Bla bla All we ask is fair shot at the collectible It's not good seeing some people get the drops again and again *cough* alpha YouTuber *cough* It's painful to see that you lost to someone just cuz they had a better internet , WiFi , device etc Well if I know I have a fair chance at the collectible and lost fair and square cuz my luck dint work , I wouldn't mind ! But its not good when I loose to someone who has done nothing special rather than having better internet advantage Ping , connection isn't myth , I can confirm it , ask from Asians and Australians what true pain is There are not many bots , only a few !

Same bs always wE hAvE 400k UsErS You are slow ge...

My friends in Singapore and South Korea are are on unimaginable internet speed and ping (note). Even they don't get hands on when the drops come, obviously something else is on play. Let the team try to figure out... if someone is part of restrictions, let the team work out if there is foul play... it probably is for greater good. give them time... it's still too early for veve

My friends in Singapore and South Korea are are on...

Geography Americans have a better chance in general for some reason You can see certain Youtubers who are in core America having close to 90-100% success rate in both of Thier phones That's not how probability works Ofc good internet slightly increases your chances too

Same bs always wE hAvE 400k UsErS You are slow ge...

Agree with you. Would not mind loosing out on probalistic chance. But not to get consistently despite hard wire, ping , super fast internet etc is demoralizing. Ive been in veve since march/april and have a lot invested. If a solution isn’t found. People will loose faith. Loosing out to cheaters is unacceptable. Loosing on probability is ok. Lets move to a optimized lottery system. Nothing is perfect I know, but its gotta be better than this. Maybe veve can give us US versus asia stats for starters. I love veve and hold lots of omi, so this is feedback. I never moan about missing out cause the odds are low. But there’s something bad going on and that has got to stop.

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