209 похожих чатов

How to transfer MEC crystal from Mbox wallet to actually

use it?

5 ответов

10 просмотров

same as withdraw your Mbox you did win in token master

when you withdraw Mbox , its going to your bsc wallet address also. Same with Mec

I don’t the MECo any-where I won 22 mec in tokenmaster I see the MBOX i won but i dont see the MEC, where is it?

I don’t the MECo any-where I won 22 mec in tokenma...

Scroll down to see it.....it's at the bottom call MEC...

I don’t the MECo any-where I won 22 mec in tokenma...

In the Token list (last position under) in your https://www.mobox.io/#/assetCenter

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