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I guess my question is, does Double VPN actually provide

more meaningful security than just one network wide VPN? If your router is compromised, VPN or not, the devices downstream will likely be compromised as well. Wouldn't it make more sense to use something like pfSense router/firewall at the perimeter of the network with an OpenVPN Concentrator right behind it, which would mask all devices further downstreM

11 ответов

18 просмотров

I have no idea about the concentrator stuff but mobile based Double VPN works on the move as well.

RyGuy | HEX.Toys | Lord of GIFs- Автор вопроса
D (DM = instant block)
I have no idea about the concentrator stuff but mo...

Even mobile, I would think one VPN connection would be sufficient. All a VPN does is allow you to connect to an internal network externally. It just so happens that commercial VPNs are hosted all across the world, so you can virtually connect to any internal commercial VPN network in the world. Doing this twice wouldn't really boost security, I wouldn't think

RyGuy | HEX.Toys | Lord of GIFs- Автор вопроса
D (DM = instant block)
Are you including the encryption in your hypothesi...

Two VPN connections at 256 bit each would just be two separate 256 bit connections. I don't think you can add them for 512. Wouldn't you need a stronger encryption cipher, for example Elliptical Curve Cryptography with 384 bit key length is some of the strongest encryption

RyGuy | HEX.Toys | Lord of GIFs
Two VPN connections at 256 bit each would just be ...

Yes the 384 is way stronger, but don't you have to get past both 256 to get the data.

Have you heard about Deeper Network? They have a product that’s about DPN decentralised private network you should check it out

RyGuy | HEX.Toys | Lord of GIFs- Автор вопроса
Have you heard about Deeper Network? They have a p...

Thanks for the heads up, I have not I'll have to look into that

RyGuy | HEX.Toys | Lord of GIFs
Two VPN connections at 256 bit each would just be ...

It would just make it harder for them - they may access one and then not be able to access the other.

RyGuy | HEX.Toys | Lord of GIFs- Автор вопроса

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