209 похожих чатов

You hear a lot of stories about people getting metamask

hacked but can these scumbags track you through Telegram somehow because they are always approaching you and adding you to groups etc?

9 ответов

11 просмотров

Metamask wasn't even hacked once. Just people are dumb and get fished

its people get hacked or give up their seeds not metamask

People give their seed phrase to the scammers that dm them. Or they have a software wallet with keys on a device with a keylogger or rootkit virus.

its not metamask itself hacked but the ID 10 T error of the user

I 23275
its not metamask itself hacked but the ID 10 T err...

Can you elaborate when you're referring to ID 10 T error ?

I 23275
it spells idiot

Oops lol my bad. But what do you mean by error of user?

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