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Hey admin …… Chase Amazix said last week he would

ask Rhys he still hasn’t come back with an answer , every time any one asks on her you say soon, patience or wait we are all fed up with your neutral answers and palming us off like we are not important I think it’s time somebody from the team actually told us what the hell is going on and when they are going to actually unrestrict our accounts. Our money that we all paid for our collectibles is as good as the next person. I think Veve have a legal obligation to address us and give us some answers. I have emailed Veve support and just get a copy and paste answer how is this fair on people who are restricted? How can we just be restricted indefinitely? Do all the users know they are playing with fire 🔥 and that at any given moment anyone of them could be restricted for nothing ? Are people aware that you are not even given a warning that your account is going to be restricted? Are other users happy to stand by and say oh they must have done something well we haven’t as if we had why can we still buy gems and buy from the marketplace. That doesn’t solve any issue if people were bots. And if you look at peoples activity on their accounts which they should have been doing you would see the activity wasn’t enough like I’ve been here since March a loyal Veve fan and got 14 collectibles. I have built up over time if I was up to anything I’d probably have hundreds I haven’t even got a flipping secret rare. Well anyone whose reading this think about supporting people who have been restricted as you might need there support when it happens to you. There are 180 people in the restricted group and only one has been unrestricted in weeeks. Admin you need to do what you say your going to and speak to the team and stop telling us lies it’s making people angry and stressed out.

1 ответов

7 просмотров

Here's a response from a team member few days ago. It is being worked on atm🙏 https://t.me/ecomi/925382

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