209 похожих чатов

Is there any communication about the hundreds if not thousands

of people who are still wrongly restricted?!

7 ответов

11 просмотров

The team is working on it actively.

Florian-Walter Автор вопроса
Chris AmaZix
The team is working on it actively.

Sorry, but what would you do if whales like rayfixy got cleared within hours and yourself has to wait for 18days, still no reply from support, numerous admins who escalated the enquirer, still no respond. And then you get the 1-liner, the team is actively working on it. While you have no control over your assets, your gems and everything, whilst other can take advantage of the market AND Bots still actively manipulating drops! UNFAIR!

There were 400-500 users affected. Most have been cleared now. It's still ongoing on a case by case basis.

Florian-Walter Автор вопроса
🌈🐇⭕💎🚀Rascal🦜🍗🦖🕸🧙‍♂️(watch out for fake Rascals)
There were 400-500 users affected. Most have been ...

Can you enlighten me please why it takes this long to clear only 500 people? Even if there is only one person doing that, like to look into 50 accounts a day seems fairly doable. I am just desperate and it’s a pain

Florian-Walter Автор вопроса

Another thing, why do you these really specific numbers, like 400-500 people, veve never communicated any of this?!

Florian Walter
Can you enlighten me please why it takes this long...

I know it's a pain. I feel for you. It's taking this long because people got caught up in an anti bot security measure. The team has to investigate each case literally one at a time to make sure that they don't unrestricted actual cheaters. Like I said most people have been unrestricted now, but it's still a work in progress. I'm a veve collector too and I know what a pain in the butt is for you guys, but this is where we're at right now.

Florian Walter
Another thing, why do you these really specific nu...

They were communicated Florian. The team do AMAs every week. Often multiple times per weeks. Last AMA had 2000 people. It's really the best place to get the latest info and ask the team questions directly.

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