does pulse fit in the picture? Like should we split our investment up between HEX and Pulse?
pulse is the way things will move, and what they will move on
so should we just put 100% of our investment in pulse if that is the way of the future? HEX is bears no relevance?
Hex is a coin on erc-20 chain with proof of stake. Pulse is a block chain forked off erc-20 that also has proof of stake
if you haven't sacrificed for pulse, throw in $20 at, the rate right now is not so competitive
I havent started anything right now. I am a sponge for attaining knowledge before starting out on a new venture
PLS is a utility token like ETH. Hex is an investment token designed to appreciate.
That asks for a Pulsechain account? When you stake HEX you burn that HEX in exchange for shares. Those shares are used by the contract to reward you your portion of daily interest and early end stake/late unstake penalties. Then when your stake is mature, you end stake, which dissolves your shares in exchange for minting your HEX which will be your original principal + all interest, penalties earnt whilst being staked. T-shares = terra shares or 1 trillion shares. Effective HEX uses your longer pays better and bigger pays better bonuses to compute your shares for the stake. Share price only goes up because reducing shares for new guys is the same mathematically as compounding shares for old guys. It's computationally more efficient and makes a cool chart. Share price has no direct relationship to price on exchange, though since shares become more scarce than HEX, there is probably some influence. (770) has increased reputation of D (DM = instant block) (22)
PLS is the internet, Hex is Amazon
what is the difference? Why need pulse then if it's not designed to appreciate.
Both projects are insane. Maybe jump into the pulse chain chat and do some research on YouTube then you can decide for yourself
so much to learn man. I am overwhelmed.
It is designed to appreciate because it is deflationary, with a 25% fee burn
You still got plenty of time just spend some time with it and you’ll absorb the info. Jump into pulse chain chat and ask who to check out on YouTube for pulse chain content.
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