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I do not entirely understand the usdx borrow. I supply

usdx, but cannot borrow usdx, the option is grayed out. I do notice usdx now counts towards borrow max, is that what is meant?

6 ответов

5 просмотров

The 5mil cap has been hit and is waiting to be expanded to 25mil. In the meantime you can keep trying and see if someone has replayed a position

I see this a lot. Kava os to vague on this stuff and thats why i think it will struggle to gain traction. They make post of 100% APY on a Bitcoin but don’t explain how. I hope they improve communication and marketing.

The 5mil cap has been hit and is waiting to be exp...

Yes there's from time to time some USDX available to borrow.

USDX can now be used as collateral to borrow any other asset. You can borrow upto a max of 25% of the value of your USDX. Additional USDX can now be borrowed. It initially launched with a 5m USDX limit which was hit within 8 hours, it is expected to rise to 25m soon

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