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Ofcourse, DYOR, but it is hard to find easy information

on this topic. I only use USDX on the kava platform so if the value of USDX drops, so will the value of my loan right?

2 ответов

7 просмотров

If you only are supplying stablecoin to mint stablecoin and borrow stablecoim than supply mint and borrow up to 99%. I always leave a margin for some freak big or something

If you are only borrowing USDX and supplying USDX and no other assets involved you are relatively safe as if the token price falls both sides of the supply/borrow balance fall in proportion. The only factor that could cause liquidation is the borrow fee which will slowly move you towards liquidation but providing you leave a safety margin and keep a watch over your position you will be safe

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