210 похожих чатов

Isn'T there a max limit? If not, everyone will buy

from the crowdloan and noone from the market.
That's very bad tokenomics

5 ответов

12 просмотров

Moonbeam tokonomics are very good chcek again

Cosmos- Автор вопроса
Shaf. .
Moonbeam tokonomics are very good chcek again

How if everyone can buy from the crowdloan then there is no demand left

How if everyone can buy from the crowdloan then th...

It's not possible the allocation gonna be 100m they gonna lock 70% reward you gonna get only 30%

Shaf. .
It's not possible the allocation gonna be 100m the...

yeah you will get 30% back immediatly once the network launches as then the remaining 70% will be spread out and vesting throughout the parachain lease

How if everyone can buy from the crowdloan then th...

yes i agree, i dont get why there is no max amount to contribute in the crowdloan

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