209 похожих чатов

I'M trying to transfer my hex from my metamask front

end. My seeds stored in ledger. Once I type in the amount I wanted to transfer..... the next button is still grey and won't let me click next to transfer hex to another wallet. Can anyone help?

8 ответов

18 просмотров

Do you have any ETH for gas?

Mick- Автор вопроса
Do you have any ETH for gas?

Yes I do. It will let me send eth and others but not hex?

Yes I do. It will let me send eth and others but n...

Don't own a ledger so I'm not sure if there's something that needs to happen on the ledger end, but have you had a look there?

Do you have enough eth in there?

Mick- Автор вопроса
Don't own a ledger so I'm not sure if there's some...

I feel like I done everything right and still won't let me send

Yes I do. It will let me send eth and others but n...

Is Ledger Live running while you are trying to do this? Not sure if that's the problem but just reaching

Mick- Автор вопроса
I will try that.

And in your ETH app settings did you allow blind signings? All firmware and apps up to date?

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