209 похожих чатов

@Xadri9 @fatboy_mobox ‘If you collect a full set of MOMOs

(The same MOMO common, uncommon, unique, rare) through the Binance Mystery Boxes, you will have a chance to obtain a limited edition Binance MOMO NFT.(Total amount: 50. First come first served). The MOBOX platform will airdrop the MOMOs within 5 business days after the redemption has finished.’

What does it mean first come first served? Who gets the 50 binance momos?

4 ответов

6 просмотров

just click the claim buttons on time (4 times to import your familiy set) , so basically the 50 special momo will be 'sold out' after 4 x 50 = 200 family claims are done

Wheres the page for redem?

Wheres the page for redem?

Will be available soon, check PIN message

just click the claim buttons on time (4 times to i...

where is this stated? Thank you in advance

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