209 похожих чатов

Guys please amswer. Like the question is are you not

worried? 1,5 months ago we where rich people. Now all of you including me got 60% les money. And is getting down.

So are you not worried?

2 ответов

8 просмотров



HEX's life-changing wealth creation comes with extreme price volatility. Many successful investors have had to withstand harsh price fluctuations. On its way to 2,000,000x returns in 7 years the Bitcoin price dipped 94%, 95%, 81%, and 86%, on some exchanges it flash crashed as close to $0 as possible. Amazon dropped 95% once too. Now it's 50% of all Internet sales in the USA. In its first year, HEX's price has dipped 81%, 73%, 59%, 67%, 87% and then gone on to make new all time highs. Price dips are often opportunities for the impatient to give their money to the patient. HEX's large price movements up and down are a feature, not a bug. People that buy tops and sell bottoms hand their money to those that buy bottoms and sell tops. Notice that HEX tells you right here on the front page that the prices will go up and down violently, Bitcoin's and Ethereum's websites do not. When the most important thing to users is the price, what would be more important than discussing it? HEX is about realistic expectations.

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