209 похожих чатов

Also, how do you know how “far ahead” they are

ahead of VeVe? VeVe could release the veveverse and blow them all away as far as you know. Releasing sooner =/= better or more potential

5 ответов

9 просмотров

I would settle for a functioning market place.

Sadly my opinion is echoed by other true collectors. You need a functioning market! How else do you know what the true prices are. Sorry you see that as FUD!

⭕️ = 💩🪙- Автор вопроса
Sadly my opinion is echoed by other true collector...

You’re only ever around when you’re spreading FUD. The market and the entire app are being migrated to an entirely new system; so there are going to be hiccups. Also, the application is constantly be worked on and upgraded since they are BUILDING an application. True collectors, if smart, would understand this.

Well thankfully we have you around.

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