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If you bought Hex with a Coinbase wallet, can you

stake it?

12 ответов

15 просмотров

Are u able to connect to the go.hex.com website?

Try https://apphex.win/!

Have to use apphex.win go.hex.com is picky to metamask

SRT_The_Champion-Torres Автор вопроса

Yes, however the site forces me to link metamask. I have not set up metamask. Is there a way to move from Coinbase wallet to metamask?

Or better yet.....get a hardware wallet and send the hex to that and use that with metamask

SRT_The_Champion-Torres Автор вопроса
⚡️Just Ask Jesse⚡️
Or better yet.....get a hardware wallet and send t...

Move it to a ledger? Then move it to metamask, then stake... Is that correct?

SRT_The_Champion Torres
Move it to a ledger? Then move it to metamask, the...

Not that many steps....just send to ledger address....and in metamask click connect hardware wallet

SRT_The_Champion-Torres Автор вопроса
⚡️Just Ask Jesse⚡️

Jesse the Pit Boss (61) has increased reputation of Samuel Torres (1)

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