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🚀 $BAND tokens are going places! BandChain Phase 2 Proposal 5

is now live to enable the IBC token transfer feature.
activities there with BAND tokens.


👉 If this proposal passes, $BAND holders can transfer their tokens to other chains with IBC-capability and perform

🌈 The ease of transferring creates more seamless use cases for BAND tokens, effectively raising the liquidity of the token. Possible applications include participating in Osmosis, Gravity Dex and more.

👉 The recently launched IBC Oracle feature enables cross-chain oracle data services, while this new IBC Transfer feature will allow native cross-chain movement of value.

⛳️ This is a strategic milestone for one of the @Bandprotocol’s Phase 2 missions to expand the adoption and usage in the cross-chain space.

For more details: https://cosmoscan.io/propsal/5

Official Announcement 👉 https://medium.com/bandprotocol/bcip-5-enable-ibc-transfer-official-proposal-41568898b3ca
Spread the word 👉 https://twitter.com/BandProtocol/status/1453747973448364038?s=20
Developer Typeform 👉 https://9p8ybtp0r7l.typeform.com/to/srn28T4L


Recent Band Protocol Developments:
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1 ответов

10 просмотров

Excellent now Osmosis lfg!🔥

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