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Total newbie here, so apologies if this is the dumbest

question ever...
Why can't one just buy ARRR, why does one have to buy Bitcoin first in order to buy the ARRR?

6 ответов

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Elizabeth-Huginn Muninn Автор вопроса

Ok, thank you. I thought Trade Ogre seemed the best, but 'm so new to this I don't even know what USDT is. I hate being a newbie at anything, as it makes me feel so stupid!

Elizabeth Huginn Muninn
Ok, thank you. I thought Trade Ogre seemed the be...

Nothing stupid about it. All of us were newbies at some point. USDT is also known as Tether and is a stability coin. Put it in a simpler way, it is the same as USD but in crypto form. So, you can buy USDT with USD on an exchange for instance. It's pretty much a 1:1 relation.

Elizabeth-Huginn Muninn Автор вопроса

If one buys using a trading pair, can one sell the ARRR to a different traidng pair? For example: if I bought using XMR to ARRR, could I later sell ARRR to BTC if I wanted to? Or are you tied to the same pair when selling?

This info actually helped me out haha not a dumb question 😂🙏🏽💯

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