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Hello everyone, I have a question. Is there a difference

(in terms of use, rewards, etc) between COTI MainNet COTI ERC20 and COTI BEP2?.

I bought coti ERC20 in coinbase. I understand that this is the Coti native for ETH... Can we swap COTI Mainnet or to COTI BEP2?

Can I transfer the coins ERC20 to Coti Wallet?


2 ответов

8 просмотров

COTI run on our own DAG-based Trustchain. But we are also supporting other layer-1 chains (Erc20, Bep2, Bep20) to enhance interoperability and bring all the benefits of the COTI tech to users of these platforms. read this article: https://bit.ly/2XJMTcp

You need to use COTI bridge to swap coins from erc20 to native. https://youtu.be/T5joJA6t8fk

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