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If we contribute our DOT, at the very last moment...

After the winning snapshot has been taken lets say....
Will we still receive the full rewards?

5 ответов

6 просмотров

You cannot contribute the Crowdloan after Moonbeam secures slot.

Saurabh 🎀-Agarwal Автор вопроса
Gilang (I will never DM you)
You cannot contribute the Crowdloan after Moonbeam...

Ya, but in the 5day auction period, let's say the winning snapshot was taken on day 3... And i contributed on day 4... So what will happen in this case? Will i receive rewards or not?

Saurabh 🎀 Agarwal
Ya, but in the 5day auction period, let's say the ...

Yes, you will be eligible for the rewards even after the candle auction is closed.

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