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I took part in the parachains a couple of years

back... Does anyone know when the tokens get released and how many we get ?

11 ответов

21 просмотр

Around 24 october


If you have contributed via the Moonbeam dApp, you can check your contribution on https://crowdloan.moonbeam.foundation/ > click to Review Contribution

Mogsoni- Автор вопроса
Mogsoni- Автор вопроса
Is that via metamask or js ?

So long ago I can't quite remember but I think I used metamask on the glmr parachain and .js on the rest

Is that via metamask or js ?

You need to connect Polkadot{.js}

So long ago I can't quite remember but I think I u...

yup, you've contributed using the polkadot js wallet if you contributed via the Moonbeam dApp

Mogsoni- Автор вопроса
yup, you've contributed using the polkadot js wall...

I don't know if I contributed via the dapp... I remember when I contributed I had to give me Eth address

I don't know if I contributed via the dapp... I re...

yup, that's right, in order to receive GLMR rewards, you had to provide an etheruem style address. do you remember the polkadot wallet form you contributed to Moonbeam’s crowdloan?

Mogsoni- Автор вопроса
yup, that's right, in order to receive GLMR reward...

Yeah I still have the dot wallet ... I assume I submitted my initial stake via the .js and received my rewards in the metamask..... Does that sound right ?

Yeah I still have the dot wallet ... I assume I su...

yeah, make sure to connect your polkadot js wallet to the Moonbeam dApp to check this: https://crowdloan.moonbeam.foundation/

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