209 похожих чатов

The Disney golden NFT’s will surely be the most hotly

contested drops in VeVe history - I for one am absolutely frothing for them!!

Can the VeVe Management please consider a “fair drop” maybe in like a lottery system for these?

Honestly, charge however many gems you want, I’ll pay whatever - I just want to be in with a chance to get one which under the currently system, won’t happen.

Thank you for your consideration 🙏🏼

5 ответов

23 просмотра

Im in australia. In other words, zero chance. Not sure about lottery system, i doubt it will happen

Mark-Raymondo Автор вопроса

I’m in Australia too - I’m remote Australia so I’ve got even less of a chance!!

Dr SilverfoX
Im in australia. In other words, zero chance. Not ...

Yeah zero chance, not to mention we have to wake up at 2am for nothing. As much as i want to try my luck in every drop, it just feel hopeless.

Mark-Raymondo Автор вопроса
Dr SilverfoX
* bro hug 😢

Just so VeVe / ECOMI knows how committed us Australians are: I have scoped out where the nearest 5G tower is, I will drive there at 1:00am in the morning on Disney golden moment drop day, just to have a snowflake’s chance in hell at getting one. That right there is community spirit.

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