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Hi, Waves uses the smart contract language Ride right? Does

it have multi signature, supports inheritance, uses atomic execution. turing incomplete, and upgradeable?

4 ответов

13 просмотров

RIDE support multisg, smart contract are upgradable unless locked by the dev and all executions are atomic. It is not turing complete and there is no class inheritance, it very different than solidity.

Crypto-Queen Автор вопроса
RIDE support multisg, smart contract are upgradabl...

In what areas do you think RIDE is lacking in? Does it use formal verification?

Crypto Queen
In what areas do you think RIDE is lacking in? Doe...

It doesnt lack anything for me personally in my dapps use. Yes it use formal verification.

Crypto-Queen Автор вопроса
It doesnt lack anything for me personally in my da...

There are other smart contract languages in place now like Kadena's Pact, what advantage does RIDE have compared to other languages?

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