210 похожих чатов

Its say, "select an kusama account. But i contribute with

polkadot account ?? is this why i can't see my reward ?

7 ответов

9 просмотров

That section is for Moonriver crowdloan participants. To see your Polkadot contribution either visit Subscan and view your account, or go back through the same flow and your contribution will be listed

Adrien-G Автор вопроса
Tim | PureStake
That section is for Moonriver crowdloan participan...

I see on the subscan that i did send 17.5 DOT. But i don't see anything els

Adrien G
I see on the subscan that i did send 17.5 DOT. Bu...

You can see in the details of that tx, for example the paraid, but you can also check - https://polkadot.js.org/apps/#/parachains/crowdloan - and see your contribution listed under Moonbeam

Adrien-G Автор вопроса
Tim | PureStake
You can see in the details of that tx, for example...

I'm newbi, or maybe i'm just stupide, but i don't get it :/

Adrien-G Автор вопроса
Adrien G
I'm newbi, or maybe i'm just stupide, but i don't ...

at the polk site, click the accounts tab > account. you should see your wallet the with balance.

Adrien G
I'm newbi, or maybe i'm just stupide, but i don't ...

go to polkadotDOTjsDOTorg then hit the apps (hosted) link

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