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@Thunderrainstorm long time Lodu, how are you? Did you manage

to get a drop today? I got mine today 🔥🔥 lfg!!

4 ответов

4 просмотра
Myk- Автор вопроса

I don't know man. I have multiple codes, I'm looking forward to the 1 year subscription. Let's see. but good that your mental health has stabilized, good for you. Get them drops 🚀

I don't know man. I have multiple codes, I'm looki...

What’s the point? If you activated even 1 subscription (say 3 months), you can’t wait for the 3 months to pass and use another code to activate for another subscription because these codes expire by end of 2021. Anyways, got 1 year subscription already from the isp.

I don't know man. I have multiple codes, I'm looki...

If anyone is curious to know why this dude is asking me about my mental health, here is the gist of it. Asked @myTKO7 to help me get the Kang drop. Sent him 7 gems before the drop. He didn’t have any gems of his own, didn’t buy any at that time. He got a SR 756 Kang on drop. I told him since I asked him to help me get it, sent him the gems and he facilitated the transaction, we do a 50-50 split. He refused and only wanted to pay me back 7 gems which I sent him. I felt that he betrayed our 20 year friendship for money. Anyways reason why I’m telling everyone this, is because what happened to me can also happen to you. Don’t ask friends/family to get drops on your behalf unless you have some sort of contract/understanding in place on the proceeds of the drop. Stay safe and wishing everyone the best for the upcoming drops.

If anyone is curious to know why this dude is aski...

He was never a true friend, just a dipshit.

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