210 похожих чатов

7 ответов

9 просмотров

22.5 million dots

22.5 million dots

Wow. That’s cool

VCP-VCP 🎀 Автор вопроса
22.5 million dots

This includes the exchanges numbers? Ok, so 4 GLMR per DOT by current rate....and the contribution closes tomorrow?

contributions close the final day of the auction, nov 18

VCP-VCP 🎀 Автор вопроса
contributions close the final day of the auction, ...

Wow! May be my greedy self was expecting more tokens...anyways now locked for 96 weeks

You can see it here👇 https://web3go.xyz/#/ParaChainProfiler4Polkadot?chainType=Polkadot

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