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IMO I think MLT is ready to go but

they are waiting on IMX to launch together. Then they go ahead with exchanges. Perhaps it may happen before the end of the year perhaps early Q1 but in crypto everyone wants things fasts. Imagine your money 10x in 12 months ?? Also, the Disney metaverse deal may be on the works. I think they’re negotiating hard with Disney and metaverse. Patience is the games if all this happens within 6 months omi will most likely hit a dollar. But the amount of lawyers and paperwork they have to do if Disney is interested is beyond our comprehension and unless this has been in the works for a while things will take time. I wouldn’t want to have my money anywhere else. This is a game of changes and to me omi has the best chance.

1 ответов

8 просмотров

Delusional if you think this is going to a dollar

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