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So at the end of IMX migration we’ll be able

to transfer these NFTs to wallets right and sell them in other markets like Opensea? I understand there is supposed to be an AMA later next week specifically addressing MTL and IMX. Is that so or just a rumor?

6 ответов

9 просмотров

You'll be able to convert gems to fiat after the MTL, and NFT to OMI with the move to Immutable X.

When is MTL?

Here's an recent update, https://twitter.com/veve_official/status/1448852926110203913?s=21

Clara AmaZix
Here's an recent update, https://twitter.com/veve_...

The next week has already been 3 weeks 😅😂

When is MTL?

Is not going to happen bro!

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