210 похожих чатов

Guys , sorry to intrerrupt but ...what s the glimmer

ratio like ?

5 ответов

9 просмотров

As of now 4.4:1 and getting lower by the day

Tmwtnn-Az Автор вопроса
As of now 4.4:1 and getting lower by the day

it's around 4.4 glimmer per DOT ? okay ...

Tmwtnn Az
it's around 4.4 glimmer per DOT ? okay ...

In my bullish, glmr, fanboy opinion... No

Tmwtnn Az
it's around 4.4 glimmer per DOT ? okay ...

It depends on total contribution. If 50m dots get locked you get 2 glmr per dot. right now the total dots locked is around 23m so 100/23 glmr per dot but you should think about a ratio of around 2 in my view.

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