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The people who have contributed to moonbeam crowdloan will benefit

from it?

10 ответов

13 просмотров

Parallel gives you a bonus on their token

Twene- Автор вопроса
4̶𝒙4̶ | Moonbeam
Parallel gives you a bonus on their token

Oh OK so it's only for the people which contribute to parallel I guess

Oh OK so it's only for the people which contribute...

Ni they give a parallel bonus for all projects that you contribute through them

Oh OK so it's only for the people which contribute...

If you contribute to moonbeam through parallel you get the regular moonbeam bonus and you get a parallel bonus on top. If you do contribute through them make sure you use a referral code and you will get an extra bonus

How do I do this I’m confused

How do I do this I’m confused

You can go to parallel finance and make the contribution through their platform

In dot right

Yes. Same process which you follow for moonbeam dapp. Just through their platform

4̶𝒙4̶ | Moonbeam

Hi admin, how long will take to receive token for moonriver network? I took 1 to sent token to another wallet.. 🙄🤔

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