210 похожих чатов

Hi all, I am really confused. I just thought I

withdraw all my pending zilliqa stake withdrawals, and now I see in the view block explorer that nothing has happened but I did pay some fees. And looking back at ziliqa staking platform it now suddenl says that my ziliqa is only at 40% progress of unstaking while before it said I could withdraw everything. Does the platform bug sometimes?

3 ответов

5 просмотров

Unbonding period takes around 12 days now. If you saw it at 100% before that time period then it probably was a bug. If you could give me your zil address i can confirm it for you.

tricepextension- Автор вопроса

Thanks for the reply, This is my address: zil1v2qw43l372m47may50xlpgym42amx9s7swlftj

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