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Samuel-smit Автор вопроса

So it's unlimited transactions every 4 seconds ?

Samuel smit
So it's unlimited transactions every 4 seconds ?

there are 2 apis to moonbeam, the web3 (evm) api and the substrate api. both of these result in transactions that go into the same underlying blocks on the blockchain.

Samuel-smit Автор вопроса

Does it mean evm and substrate txs run at the same speed? How I'll games run on moonriver?

moonriver right now, in its reduced performance state is around 5 tps. there are more incremental improvements coming in the near term. but the big unlock will be contextual execution, which should say 10x the throughput.

Samuel-smit Автор вопроса
Derek Yoo (never DM for $)
moonriver right now, in its reduced performance st...

hi sir big fan, if its 50 tps then how will it compete with sol avax ? I am missing something ?

Samuel smit
hi sir big fan, if its 50 tps then how will it com...

Yeah 50 isn't the end of the road, its just what we should get to in the near future. We will improve further from there. To put these numbers in perspective, eth is 15, xdai maybe 80, and bsc perhaps 140. Solana is higher than that, but they have made other sacrifices to get there. The goal of Moonbeam is not to have the most tps. We have prioritized compatibility, decentralization, and interoperability. Compatibility = EVM which is an important part of our strategy. Decentralization and interoperability drove the decision to build as a parachain on polkadot, and a lot of the design decisions of Moonbeam, such as our parachain-staking pallet. Being a parachain means a reduced tps for the moment, while improvements are made. We could make moonbeam a standalone chain with a small number of high powered validators and significantly boost tps in line with some of these other projects. But by doing that we would give up on decentralization and interoperability properties which are core to the vision and goals for the project. So this means we have to take an incremental approach to performance improvements while we work with parity on the optimization of polkadot and our 2 parachains.

Derek Yoo (never DM for $)
Yeah 50 isn't the end of the road, its just what w...

thanks for clarifying Derek, that's why we are here supporting the team and the project. Decentralization over TPS any day of the week.

what is the initial circulating supply for GLMR?


Samuel-smit Автор вопроса
Derek Yoo (never DM for $)
Yeah 50 isn't the end of the road, its just what w...

Hi Derek, quick question what does wasm do then? I was under the impression there are EVM txs and substrate txs which are waaay faster ? How would we get a chain to play games on >? will this be moonbeam ? I see efi is also going for a Para chain will they be able to do 4k tps ?

Samuel-smit Автор вопроса
Derek Yoo (never DM for $)
Yeah 50 isn't the end of the road, its just what w...

hi sir, second question what does moonbeam aim for> I don't understand as sol and avax will get masses of users as no the experience is so good on those chains. Also if eth ever scales or L2 have low gass fees they will have more than 1k tps , how will moonbeam compete ?

Samuel smit
Hi Derek, quick question what does wasm do then? I...

Wasm is used heavily by Polkadot. All parachains, Moonbeam included, are compiled to wasm, which is how relay chain validators are able to dynamically load parachain logic in order to validate and finalize parachain blocks for different parachains. Sometimes, when people are talking about smart contracts on Substrate / Polkadot, wasm is referring to Ink!, which is an alternate smart contract programming language created by Parity that has a Rust like syntax. The overhead introduced by the Ethereum compatibility layer in Moonbeam we have been working on is shrinking and not that significant given all the local optimizations we have done. Moonbeam will be home to games that want Ethereum compatibility, a number are already deployed to Moonriver and more are on the way to Moonbeam. Many games are choosing to implement using the Ethereum tech stack as it offers the most optionality and tools. If a game wants full control over the fees, the only option is to implement their own blockchain. On Polkadot this can be a parachain or a substrate standalone chain that connects to e.g. Moonbeam. So Polkadot offers unique options for this.

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