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Everytime I go to vote on iconex the app crashes,

and on pc gives me an error message. Is there a fix for this?

15 ответов

21 просмотр
R- Автор вопроса

I'm trying to remove the votes to unstake.

I'm trying to remove the votes to unstake.

it takes some time to unstake ...

R- Автор вопроса

Don't I have to remove votes to unstake? It's still staked. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks of me trying to remove votes but when I click vote tab it crashes before I can.

Don't I have to remove votes to unstake? It's stil...

I have the same issue, I can't open the vote screen and my icx are stuck in the wallet staking. Is there any real support for the wallet? Not scamers please

Which wallet are you using? Switch to Hana. Export the keystore and import it in Hana then you can make transactions again and voting

R- Автор вопроса
Which wallet are you using? Switch to Hana. Export...

I get failed to allocate votes on both Hana and myiconwallet.

I get failed to allocate votes on both Hana and my...

You keep a bit ICX left for the transaction fees? Using a ledger without the time synchronised?

You keep a bit ICX left for the transaction fees? ...

Happens whether I try to increase or decrease staked amount

R- Автор вопроса

Yeah super annoying my icx is stuck.

Yeah super annoying my icx is stuck.

Have you tried ICONex desktop version? That’s only thing I haven’t tried that I’ve seen some people suggest

R- Автор вопроса
Mike Falanga
Have you tried ICONex desktop version? That’s only...

Yeah I get an error msg on the desktop version

Mike Falanga
Happens whether I try to increase or decrease stak...

Would you please DM me ( I won't DM you, be careful of impersonators ), and tell me your public address, so I can investigate and see if there's anything abnormal ?

I get failed to allocate votes on both Hana and my...

Oh voting for what if u dnt mind me asking?

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