209 похожих чатов

Is this true? Can we really cash out? "Gems can be

converted to OMI tokens within the app and sent from your in-app wallet to exchanges if that is how you choose to use them."

7 ответов

15 просмотров

You'll be able to convert gems to fiat after the MTL, and NFT to OMI with the move to Immutable X.

Justice Epps

Money transfer license

Clarks_Cryptos89- Автор вопроса
Essa AmaZix
You'll be able to convert gems to fiat after the M...

But can I still do the above? Can I just convert gems to omi within the app and send that omi to my external wallet?

But can I still do the above? Can I just convert g...

There is no gem to omi conversion. That plan has been scrapped for something better. Once the team gets a money transfer license, we’ll be able to cash out from gems directly to fiat. Here is the moment it was talked about https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Dc-74kVtgYw&t=1h26m12s&feature=youtu.be

Clarks_Cryptos89- Автор вопроса
Essa AmaZix
There is no gem to omi conversion. That plan has b...

Thank you I'll watch. Is this on the road map for 2022? Which quarter if so?

Thank you I'll watch. Is this on the road map for ...

Team is working on an updated roadmap. We will share it here when it's ready to roll out. 😊🥂

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