209 похожих чатов

@Admin please tell me in ur honest opinion, from what

you know (not asking for a specific fate)
Will MTL or IMX come first?

7 ответов

6 просмотров

At this rate, none of the two. Always delaying and saying ‘soon’. Stuck with gems that you can’t cash out smh

At this rate, none of the two. Always delaying and...

The team is working on both. We don't have information yet on which one will roll out first, we keep the community updated however.

Essa AmaZix
The team is working on both. We don't have informa...

The option to cash out should have been there from the beginning

Vevebots- Автор вопроса

We can only give information we are sure about, we can't speculate. 😊

Vevebots- Автор вопроса
Cynthia AmaZix
We can only give information we are sure about, we...

I dont want an official information, I want your opinion as a human being, please

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