210 похожих чатов

Can we still contribute and it still counts?? or is

it over now??

6 ответов

5 просмотров

Yes you can, check the end of the first slot auction on subvis.io

Bizzle- Автор вопроса
Jose Crypto
Yes you can, check the end of the first slot aucti...

cool thanks...another question.....are they doing the snapshot at random times like they did for Kusama parachains?? I dont think they are, are they?? they running the full time period and who has the most at the end wins right??

cool thanks...another question.....are they doing ...

Yes , the snapshot is taken after of finish the slot auction It is not a normal auction system. A ramdon block will be chosen between the 3rd and 7th days of the auction and whoever has the most dot at that time is taken as the winner but that block is determined at the end of the auction https://polkadot.network/auctions/ That period of day3-7 is the ending period

Bizzle- Автор вопроса
Jose Crypto
Yes , the snapshot is taken after of finish the sl...

Ahh ok so the same system...I just didnt realise that its not done until the end of the auction...so technically GLMR could have more at the end, but if the snapshot is taken when Acala had more, then Acala can still win with less tokens overall...

Bizzle- Автор вопроса
Jose Crypto

cool thanks

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