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invisible- Автор вопроса

Where did you check it, i only see 30.38% in stakingrewards.com

Where did you check it, i only see 30.38% in staki...

You can do the math....I think that Darren already did that recently, let me see if I can retrieve the post

Where did you check it, i only see 30.38% in staki...

Inflation is 20% per year and this is shared between all bonded/delegated tokens We have 58.36% of all tokens bonded. The share per bonded token is 20.00 / 0.5836 = 34.27% but this is assumed the staking rewards are reinvested at each block (once per today would give almost the same result) If you don't reinvest you will get a lower rate (APR rather than APY). If you use an onlibe PAY to APR converter you get 29.43% APR An alternative I have used is to convert the 20% APY inflation ot APR which gives 18.24 APR, so 18.24 / 0.5836 = 31.25% APR I think the first is more accurate. I will check some recent claims to see how that actual numbers stack up against those calcs EDIT: Just checked my rewards with a 0% commission validator and received 30.5% APR

invisible- Автор вопроса
CryptoDaz (Darren)
Inflation is 20% per year and this is shared betwe...

Hi Darren, im staking my Kava with Trust Wallet, do i need to claim my reward everyday to restake and get more APY or it auto more APY? If i need to claim and restake, how long do i need to claim, a day or a week or month?

Hi Darren, im staking my Kava with Trust Wallet, d...

It is manual, on keplr and cosmostation there is a zero fee option so the only cost is your time. On trust wallet I believe it is still a fixed cost of 0.01 kava which would reduce any benefit to regularly reinvesting and claiming if you only have a small amount. If you have a large amount then the 0.01 kava charge is negligible relative to your rewards

invisible- Автор вопроса

I dont mind the fee 0.01, i just dont know when should i claim and stake again

I dont mind the fee 0.01, i just dont know when sh...


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