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Is their any effort being put into technology to onramp

the less educated population. Rn it literally almost takes a cs degree or lots of research to get involved. I don't know anyone personally with the skill to attempt hex except myself. Or maybe we just early in the game?

5 ответов

9 просмотров

Adding to the uniswap V1 eth/hex liquidity pool. I am hoping hexicans will do it. Going to ethhex and selecting v1 is a savings of at least half the eth fee. It is easy to send new people to one website

I thought a bunch of people how to use blockchain networks. Some are significantly slower than others, but once they understand the concept of public blockchains, all of them learn. The security aspect is the one thing is the hardest to explain to most. Especially the issue of keeping keys safe.

using metamask is easier than signing up for a cex to be honest. Signing up for a cex takes forever. Metamask is fairly simple. But you might look into staker app. They are making staking for the masses far more simple

Nenad [I won't dm you]

Nenad [I won't dm you] (2264) has increased reputation of Hex.is.the.way (1070)

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