209 похожих чатов

Hey admin, is there any plan on P2P selling of

nft's? So that we can avoid a lot a lot of fees? Also instead of just selling or sell listing nft's on the market can we have buy listing on the market, so that who ever is willing to sell would sell the nft's at that price.

3 ответов

9 просмотров

Some members sell p2p, this is not encouraged because the system may flag your account for suspicious activity which might lead to a restriction or in other cases you might get scammed.

Ruona AmaZix
Some members sell p2p, this is not encouraged beca...

That’s a thing I don’t get, why would it be a suspicious act to transfer items between two accounts? Multiaccounting isn’t even forbidden. Plus u can just interchange with friends. Just doesn’t feel right, And then u get restricted for no reasons. For Weeks if not months. Sick

Florian Walter
That’s a thing I don’t get, why would it be a susp...

Not just that, you can get tricked or scammed.. Team doesn't encourage this so its best to follow the team instructions..

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