209 похожих чатов

Is there any way of getting every or so post

from you Mark (and other people maybe) here in the chan about technical details, technical overview and economics ?
Maybe you have a file where you store your past answers that you could share with me (us ?)
That would be awesome

4 ответов

3 просмотра

This is all in the blog. Might be worth a bot answer with kinks like we do for staking

LeJoyeuxRenard- Автор вопроса

Well I specifically wanted your posts because you make your own answers, that can be found here and there but not explained as you do

The welcome messages whenever someone new joins the channel have links to information resources about SKALE.

Well I specifically wanted your posts because you ...

I now see what you mean. Yes, it is as Marcos says. Sorry, I'm backreading, so catching messages one at a time.

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