212 похожих чатов

I spent time reading all the comments and is very

disappointed to see people from community and from tean talking about 2 diferent things 1. Team: there is up and down, no body told you to lock your money and more... 2 community: why the apy drops why the price drops why team do not provide clear answers to the situation.... we are humans all right? So then is very simple 1. No body was forced to lock their coin but abviously we was manipulate, i do not saying by team but by the deal that the team proposed ( hi apr/apy if lock) 2. Team are giving 100 of answers but none of them answer community question wich is very basic: why apy drop from 2××% to 3×% in one day that is something that until now no other legit proyect ever did, question 2: why price is goin dow together with apr while in other projects are the opposite. At the end this is all that the community wants..... TEAM WE NEED TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE WORKING TO RESTORE THE APY TO OVER 250 AND BE CLEAR WE US ABOUT IMPROVEMENTS THAT WILL BE MADE TO MAKE MDX GREAT AGAIN ( IM NOT TRUMP SUPPORTER OR ANY OTHER PARTY)

8 ответов

17 просмотров

hahahahahaaha i just going to say you something. F

The admin did answer these questions. The devs had accrued rewards for the boardroom rewards and they basically ran out around the time the APY dropped significantly. We will never know if this was also a result of the COW issue, I suspect it was related. Mdx Price is dropping mainly due to negative sentiment from investors due to the boardroom and COW farm issue. Investors are selling their rewards from the boardroom due to the low APY. Mdex devs did themselves no favours by poorly communicating with investors over the past month. This and this alone is the real reason why the price has continued to drop. There has been a lack of trust from investors and this has damaged the brand. That’s the summary

admin please answer this

admin please answer this

Regarding the first, nobody was forced to block them, we all approved the rules of the game, we as investors did it because it was the one with the highest APR at the time ... in the second, most of these questions have been answered and the team is working to increase volume and rewards. If you are a serious investor, I recommend you investigate more

Maiker-Cedano Автор вопроса
Dacyp (nunca DM primero, tampoco mando links)
Regarding the first, nobody was forced to block th...

I don't know what you mean when you said real investor but let see if this screenshot clear the question!!

Maiker-Cedano Автор вопроса

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