210 похожих чатов

Sorry for this noob question: I‘ve stacked my LKMEX in

the first farm and locked for one year. Why do I suddenly have LockedLPStaked (2x the amount of my staked MEX) shown under the Tokens. Do I own them additionally now? (I‘m asking regarding taxes). Thank you.

4 ответов

13 просмотров

Yes, but you need to do some research with regards to your area and see if locked rewards even count

Bit Onkel🇨🇭- Автор вопроса
Yes, but you need to do some research with regards...

Thank you. I just don‘t understand why in the explorer and in the Elrond Wallet it does now just show these „LockedLPStaked“ under Tokens and not the amount of my staked MEX anymore? Do I own these LockedLPStaked on top of my staked MEX and Locked MEX earned?

Bit Onkel🇨🇭
Thank you. I just don‘t understand why in the expl...

They are now lp in the farm join @mextrader and the guys can help you understand a bit better

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