210 похожих чатов

Hi , is there a problem with buying egld or

other crypto in xportal or has the option been removed? I have a message saying there is no available payment providers .I'm in the UK ..

18 ответов

30 просмотров

Unfortunately I believe that regulations in the UK mean that current payment providers are no longer available.

Elon moist- Автор вопроса
Elon moist
That's a shame , thx for your reply

someone was saying the other day that they selected usa on the country page and they bought with uk details lol

Elon moist
That's a shame , thx for your reply

Yeah, it's very annoying, hopefully an alternative solution comes soon

Elon moist- Автор вопроса
Adrian Codarcea
someone was saying the other day that they selecte...

Yeah I just tried a the France and other EU countries and it's working 🥳 easy fix 😀

Adrian Codarcea
someone was saying the other day that they selecte...

Yeah, I remember that too. Quite a funny thing..

Same problem

See this post in here: https://t.me/MultiversX/1096742

See this post in here: https://t.me/MultiversX/109...

For how long will UK residents be restricted to use crypto payment solution that xPortal is providing? .

Don Quixote

That's more like a ban 😔

Elon moist
That's a shame , thx for your reply

It's a shame for your regulators! MultiversX only follow the rules!

Elon moist
That's a shame , thx for your reply

You have Coinbase in UK. Buy EGLD from Coinbase!

Sorry, it isn't known how long.

Alright. I hope the restriction is listed soon enough..

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