210 похожих чатов

@Khaihkd this guy from tomopool gave tomopool stakers only 4

days to claim tdao. Is that fair?

2 ответов

6 просмотров

Hi mate, we have no control of TomoPool's operation, the token distribution depends on its owner. You can communicate with Khai about this issue.

frustratedas- Автор вопроса
Mi ☘️ TM Maxi 🪴
Hi mate, we have no control of TomoPool's operatio...

But honestly.. it is not fair for him to tell me that they got 168k tDAO and that they can keep it all for themselves if they want it. This is DAO, its suppost to be distributed fairly amongst community. This is basically election fraud if its not distributed as it should be.

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