209 похожих чатов

Anyone in here btw have any kind of infographic/documents/links regarding

the different game theory mechanisms that were built into hex regarding the way that staking is calculated for payouts?

5 ответов

10 просмотров

This might get you a very general overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqvsFwwzFj8&t=217s

Longer pays better bonus is most important, 20% more shares for each year staked maxes out at 3641 days.



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI_Df45cMuQ https://hexicans.info/shares/ When you stake HEX you burn that HEX in exchange for shares. Those shares are used by the contract to reward you your portion of daily interest and early end stake/late unstake penalties. Then when your stake is mature, you end stake, which dissolves your shares in exchange for minting your HEX which will be your original principal + all interest, penalties earnt whilst being staked. T-shares = terra shares or 1 trillion shares. Effective HEX uses your longer pays better and bigger pays better bonuses to compute your shares for the stake. Share price only goes up because reducing shares for new guys is the same mathematically as compounding shares for old guys. It's computationally more efficient and makes a cool chart. Share price has no direct relationship to price on exchange, though since shares become more scarce than HEX, there is probably some influence.

gimple-official Автор вопроса
Longer pays better bonus is most important, 20% mo...

oh yeah i am familiar with this, i meant like, anything that goes more into the calculations/rules behind it if that exists. i know i have seen something along these lines here before, it was an infographic someone made with graphs on it. basically a visual representation that shows the stuff richard has mentioned in tons of videos about what kind of behavior/decisions by the users are rewarded

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