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Hacker just EES, he didn't sell anything right?

7 ответов

11 просмотров

Got his money from some 4 year stakes that were at 50% (so principal). Completely nuked a bunch of 10 year stakes (400,000,000 Hex) so clearly didn't get penalties, lol How can they sell? Hard to not get traced. Everyone will be watching his wallet like a hawk!

Some-Guy Автор вопроса
Some Guy
Tornado.cash, ez, done

They didn't understand penalties, maybe they aren't that clever. probably just send it through Coinbase then wonder how they ended up in jail Haha

Some-Guy Автор вопроса
Andrew 3695555
They didn't understand penalties, maybe they aren'...

They totally nuked the 10 year stakes for lols and know exactly what they were doing

Andrew 3695555
Got his money from some 4 year stakes that were at...

He most probably would open a Exodus wallet. Use there built in Exchange. Swap it for Monero. Move it to another wallet.

He most probably would open a Exodus wallet. Use t...

Yeah, there are ways around it and I guess if you have that much Hex you can take your time : )

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