209 похожих чатов

Hey admin, I posted an Elsa for sale when I

go to check floor prices it says no collectibles to show. I have to delist it to get the collectibles for sale to show. Am I doing something wrong? This has been happening on other collectibles as well!

3 ответов

13 просмотров

No Petro it's a bug. They're working on it. Just restart your app and you will see the listings for that collectible again. I've been getting that bug too.

Try to reinstall and restart the app. 🙏

PetroG- Автор вопроса
🌈🐇⭕💎🚀Rascal🦜🍗🦖🕸🧙‍♂️(watch out for fake Rascals)
No Petro it's a bug. They're working on it. Just r...

I did restart it and restarted phone and logged out. Still does it. Ok will wait for fix. Will reload app.

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