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Of all the ways to reconcile the high dilution of

crowdloan rewards, why was this deemed the most effective approach to keep people happy? Why not offer Moonriver rewards or something more creative than just randomly changing the tokenomics? You’ve just undermined confidence in your business practices massively IMO

4 ответов

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Jungle Jeff-#21 Автор вопроса

So they changed the tokenomics… whether its “kind” or not, its the principle. Appeasing people in the short-term might be appealing, but all that does is give ammunition for further outcries in future, because people know you’re willing to change the deal at the drop of a hat as, as a marketing stunt? The point is, pitying crowdloaners and giving them extra rewards is all well and good, but you could’ve acheived that in many other ways than simply manipulating the tokenemics, i just think its a very unsophistic solution that’s uncharacteristic of this amazing team, just a bizzare decision.

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