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I am reading many people defending the OMI token, saying

that is a great project; but what I don’t understand is if those people know that the value of the project is on VeVe, and this is where the money is. Until now there is no relation between them, and the OUP is only a try of making them be related, however the main purpose seen to be just to hold OMI to have utility on VeVe, when I think I should be the opposite. I mean OMI token should be used anyway on the platform without the obligation of staking, and the stake of it should help you to have more benefit. Isn’t that the purpose describes on the white paper for the omi token? Does anyone agree?

1 ответов

8 просмотров

More utility for OMI is coming with the move to Immutable X and you will be able to make purchases with OMI in the app

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