Trust Wallet. Any benefits with Cosmostation and Keplr?
Keplr is currently only usable for staking until full support is added with Kava-9 Cosmostation mobile wallet has the kava platform built in so you can perform all aspects of managing Your positions without using the kava web app. Staking can be done with zero fees while trust wallet charges 0.01 kava per tx. For kava mint I prefer the Cosmostation implementation to the kava web app
Thanks, I'll have a look at Cosmostation then.
Just installed the Cosmostation Android app and now I'm wondering how to import my whole Trust Wallet, because the importer lists a bunch of options, but Trust Wallet isn't one of them. Any hints anyone?
Look for 'Kava' and then import with Mnemonic or similar term (it won't mention Trust wallet as the seed words can be related to other wallets also
Thought so, will try. Thanks
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